Hurricane Meal Kits: Nutrition and Food Safety

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If you haven’t done it already, it’s time to prepare your emergency hurricane kit. There are lots of lists available to follow, but most of these lists are fairly limited when it comes to advice about food and food safety. They usually say something like “shelf stable foods” or “an emergency food and water supply”. clear bin full of dry/canned food for hurricane preparednessThe Family and Consumer Science (FCS) team from the Cooperative Extension in Brunswick County has developed a program that expands and clarifies these instructions.

The Hurricane Meal Kits: Nutrition and Food Safety program encourages assembling a kit of food specifically for use during and after a hurricane. Developing a plan, a shopping list and collecting a few recipes with shelf stable foods will enable the preparation of nutritious and safe meals during a natural disaster. Being prepared and having a hurricane meal kit can help reduce stress and anxiety and will provide healthy meals during an emergency. There will also be a discussion on food safety before, during and after power outages.

The Family and Consumer Science team will be sharing ideas for foods and “must have” items to include in your meal kits at several classes throughout the county. Locations include:

  •  June 19th-Supply Senior Center, 10 a.m.
  • July 5th-Leland Library, 2 p.m.
  • July 16th-Barbee Library in Oak Island, 10 a.m.
  • July 23rd-South Brunswick Library in Calabash, 2 p.m.
  • July 26th-Rourk Library in Shallotte, 11 a.m.

These classes are free of charge and open to the public. For additional information, contact Family and Consumer Science Agent, Avery Ashley at the N.C. Cooperative Extension, Brunswick County Center at or by calling 910-253-2610.

You can also check out the Hurricane Meal Kit program in the Family and Consumer Science (FCS) section of the NC Brunswick County Cooperative Extension website. This information includes sample hurricane shopping lists and recipes that use these foods. There is also a link to a YouTube video featuring hurricane foods along with a simple no-cook recipe.

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Hurricane Meal Kit Program QR Code

Hurricane Meal Kit Program